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What is a Minimum Viable Product?

Most startup founders start their journey with an idea. They see a problem or opportunity in the market and a new solution to solve it.

But somewhere along the line, that idea turns into a mess of features and potential features. And we’ve all seen what happens when you bring a complicated web of ideas to a VC or angel investor: Confusion. Uncertainty. And ultimately, a failed pitch.

That’s why knowing your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is key to your startup’s success. An MVP is the most basic version of your product that still provides value and solves a problem for its users – the essence of your idea. It allows you to test your assumptions and get feedback from real users without wasting time and resources on building unnecessary features.

First Things Thinking

First things thinking – coined by business coach Marshall Goldsmith – is the concept of going back to basics and focusing on what really matters. In this case it’s identifying the problem your product is trying to solve and the simplest solution for it.

This can be applied at any stage of your startup journey, whether you’re just starting out or have already launched a full product.

Think about the most successful companies today – Google, Uber, Airbnb – they all started with simple solutions to big problems. Google’s MVP was a basic search engine that became popular for its user interface and results.

Tools to build your MVP fast

The sooner you can get your MVP out there the faster you can start getting feedback and iterating on your product. But too many founders and developers lose momentum at this stage and that’s where their MVP goes from minimal to bloated.

No-code platforms have made app development a reality for entrepreneurs with no coding skills. When you can find the right app builder you can start building your MVP and go to market fast.

  • No-Code App Builder: These platforms, like Bubble’s no-code platform, allow you to build apps using visual interfaces and pre-built components. Perfect for entrepreneurs who want to bring their idea to life without getting into complex coding.
  • AI App Builder: For those on a tight budget there are free app builders, like Sutro, that can help you get started with your MVP for free. Sutro uses AI to build highly polished, production-ready apps so you can test the waters.

Why no-code and AI app builders over traditional or low-code for MVPs?

Remember – we’re thinking speed and quality for MVP development. Low code solutions may still require some coding knowledge, and traditional coding can be time-consuming and complex.

No-code platforms allow you to focus on the visual design and functionality of your app without diving too deep into the technical bits. This saves time and reduces the risk of errors or bugs in your final product. No-code platforms also have pre-built components and templates that allow you to create a professional-looking app without any design experience. So you can have a fully functional MVP up and running in hours, not weeks or months. 

That said, traditional no-code app builders, like Bubble, often require users to connect and configure components manually, which can be technical and time-consuming. However, with Sutro, you can harness the power of our LLM-powered AI platform to bring your ideas to life effortlessly. With just a few text prompts, Sutro can have your MVP ready for release before you know it. 

Your MVP roadmap

Now you have the tools to build your MVP, it’s time to build the roadmap to do it. Here’s the bare bones of what you should do:

  1. Define your problem and solution clearly
  2. List only the features of your MVP
  3. Choose an app-building platform that fits your needs and budget
  4. Build and launch your MVP fast
  5. Get user feedback and iterate based on that

Don’t forget, an MVP is not about perfection – it’s about learning, iterating, and going to market. By using the MVP approach and the right tools, you can bring your idea to life faster than ever, test it in the real world, and refine it based on real user needs.

At Sutro, we specialize in making MVPs an easy process for everyone. Our AI-driven app builder allows you to create production-ready MVPs in next to no time—and with no coding required. Whether you're looking for a free app builder to prototype your idea or a powerful tool to create a full-fledged application, Sutro is simply the best app builder out there. 

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